Do you have automatic upload?
Most SpeedPPC users use Google Ads Editor (GAE) in their workflow to manage their SpeedPPC campaign. So the typical workflow is that you build your SpeedPPC campaign and then export the result by copying it to the clipboard and going from there straight into the desktop editor.
This also has the benefit of creating a privacy gap between us and your (or your client’s) accounts and it allows you to have unlimited accounts with unlimited campaigns without issue.
We have had some requests over the years to do a direct upload into your account. There are some negatives to this, including:
- Requires you to connect your Google Ads accounts to SpeedPPC. Using the GAE removes this overhead.
- We would have to add more complexity to SpeedPPC to cater to the Minimum Functional Requirements for Google to approve the use of the API.
- The API is slower than using GAE directly.
- The API is constantly changing, which takes away from improving SpeedPPC directly.
In saying that, we’ve built an integration and are working with Google to reduce the minimum functional requirements to keep the SpeedPPC interface simple and don’t have to duplicate the Google Ads interface.