Upload Images for AI Attention Heatmap

Are you forever tweaking your landing pages, trying to unravel the mystery of where your users' gaze falls? Well, we've got a shiny new addition for you to try - our image-based heatmap analysis tool! 

Why is this a big deal? It's all about further decoding the user experience. It's like having a mind-reading superpower, getting a sneak peek into the minds of your website visitors.

Now you can do it not only within the full landing page analysis, but also by uploading individual images.

How to upload an image for analysis

You will find this tool in our Landing Pages tab.

When you begin a new landing page analysis, you can choose between a full analysis from a URL or a heatmap analysis from an image.

All you need to do is upload the image, hit analyze, and wait a minute for the map to generate.

Interpreting the heatmap

So one of the big mistakes we make as designers of landing page experiences is to have people not looking at the part of the page that we want them to.

Let's take a look at an example.

The image below provides some excellent data for you. It shows that your headline and call to action are both working. It also lets you see that your chosen image on the page is not capturing attention, perhaps as the face is not visible. This is a good thing. The supporting images should not be the main attraction. The hard-working headline and body copy should be the main focus area as they convey the most meaning.

AI Attention Heatmap - Better
A stronger, more focused heatmap showing for this design.

This next image demonstrates that a face draws your attention away from the main call to action. So while it might be nice to have that face within the design, it's at the expense of your main pitch and call to action.

Why not start uploading your designs and seeing where people focus their attention.

Imagine the impact on conversion rates, user engagement, and even sales. 

You are now able to do this for every landing page, every campaign, every time. 

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