Landing Page Analysis - Above The Fold Attention Analysis

Your Mom always told you to make a good first impression. The same can be said for your website. If it is too slow, too boring or if there is too much information, you are never going to get that second date. 
Above the fold attention simply refers to the site section that first appears when a user searches for your website. If your above the fold content is engaging, you are likely to see lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates. 
SpeedPPC’s Above The Fold Attention Analysis uses AI technology to create a heatmap analysis of your site to understand what a user views when they search your site. It shows exactly where their eyes and clicks are drawn to. 
There are many simple ways to improve your above the fold content. 
Keep it simple: The good old KISS principle works well in life and for web pages. No one wants to trawl through convoluted content to find what they need to find on your site. Keep your design and your content simple. You might want to add an image or video to your above the fold content as well. Again, make sure it is relevant and engaging. If people can find what they are looking for in a few clicks, you are winning. 
Engaging content: While keeping it simple, you also need to make your short content and images engaging. You want people to feel curious and compelled to keep searching your site. Think about brand colors and persuasive, catchy lines that interest your reader in your content. 
Enhance user experience: Above all else, your site needs to be easy to use and accessible for the viewer. You need to think about the bigger picture here and ensure your site is easy to use, has a logical structure, has readable text, and provides simple navigation around the page.  
Landing Page Analysis: Page Speed Analysis
Pages that load faster, deliver content better, and rank better - and who doesn’t like that? Page speed is a reliable indicator of a site's overall user experience. If you want to keep customers happy, it is a no-brainer that you will optimize your site for faster desktop and mobile speed. 
Many metrics affect or relate to page speed: 
First Contentful Paint: is an important page speed metric as it represents the first moment that a user can see something load on the screen. 
Largest contentful paint: This relates directly to a page’s load time. It represents the fact that the page's main content has loaded appropriately. 
Time to interactive: is the amount of time that it takes for a page to become fully interactive. This performance metric is important as it signals when the page can respond to the user. 
Total blocking time: is another metric that measures the usability of the web page during loading. If you can optimize total blocking time, the load responsiveness of your page will be greater. 
Speed Index: This metric measures how quickly your page is visually complete above the fold. The lower the number, the better for this one. 
Cumulative layout shift: highlights the instances when a page's payout shifts unexpectedly. If the page does shift, a user can click on the wrong section of the site.
Landing Page Analysis: Headline Analysis
Every site has to start somewhere when trying to attract the viewer's attention. One of the most obvious and important places is the main headline. Oftentimes, this is where the eye of the viewer is drawn when the page loads. If it doesn’t contain any relevant information, users may click away and search for another page that meets their needs. 
Headline length: Just like the retro newspaper, headline length will have an impact on how far the user reads on. Overly complicated and long winded headlines will deter the user. 
Headline power words: As there are very few words used in a headline, it is not sensible to waste these words. Packing in as many power words as possible makes the headline more targeted and more persuasive for the user.
Headline - persuasive or descriptive: Most of the time, you want to persuade the website user to purchase your product. Selecting more persuasive terms for your headline will hopefully;ly involve the reader and sell more of whatever you are spruiking. 
Headline keywords: As with anything else on your site, you need targeted keywords in your headline. You want people searching for exactly what you are selling. 
Headline alternatives: Sometimes your brain cannot see past what you already have on your site. If you are stuck for an alternative headline, SpeedPPC uses AI technology to suggest alternative headlines that are targeted and keyword rich.
Landing Page Analysis: Content Score Analysis
As a result of the fast paced world we live in, our attention span has markedly decreased over the last 15 years. Research shows that the average attention span of a human being is now just 8.15 seconds. How on earth can your landing page capture your website visitor's attention in just 8.15 seconds? 
A good website is not all about design, content is still king on your site. While people might appreciate your pretty fonts and images, most visitors are seeking information about what your website offers. A content score analysis looks at all of the content from your website and helps to determine its strengths and weaknesses. 
Thankfully, there are so many easy ways to pump up your content score: 
Avoid using photos from the internet: You need a little bit of individuality and creativity when selecting photos from the internet. As much as possible, refrain from using stock photos as there is a  high chance that other website owners will use the same stock photos. You don’t want to look like a copycat. 
Practical Design: People want to easily know where to go and what to do when they hit your site. Clear, well thought out, practical design is an easy way to keep people on your page for longer. It is frustrating when you have to navigate around the page looking for the right buttons to push. 
Use the right visuals: Make sure your images are relevant to your content and positioned in the right locations on the page. You don’t want them to hog all of the limelight, you want your content to work together to create a quality landing page. 
Once your website content has been loaded, you can check your website content performance using the SpeedPPC Landing Page Analysis. This tool can predict the competitiveness of your website content and show you which parts of your content need to be enhanced. 

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