Landing Page Analysis - Content Score Explanation

Research shows that our attention span has markedly decreased in just 15 years. The average attention span of a human being is just 8.15 seconds. So, in that 8.15 seconds, how can you captivate your visitors' attention and persuade them to continue reading/scanning your website content?
A good website is not all about having a captivating design, as this will only be useful if your content is good enough to retain your visitors. Creating good website content is your chance to explain, describe and persuade the visitors to avail of what you're offering. 
Here are some ways to improve your Content Score. 
Avoid using photos from the internet: You want to have different images, logos, or icons than other websites, right? As much as possible, refrain from using stock photos from the internet, as there are high chances other website owners will use the same stock photos. 
Practical Design: Visuals and videos provide the support that can help enhance your content's effectiveness. Emphasize the content that deserves emphasis and catch your visitors' attention with content that demands it.
Use the right visuals: Visuals have an essential role in your website. Unfortunately, compelling content doesn't always come in pure text. Most internet users nowadays prefer short video clips or small chunks of content. 
Once you post your website content, it doesn't stop there! Check your website content performance using SpeedPPC Landing Page Analysis. This can predict the competitiveness of your website content and show you which part of your content needs to be enhanced. 

Your Content Score is based on these metrics.

Keyword appears on the page: Make sure you have content to match your keywords list or your visitors' search term. This will not only increase your content relevance but will also improve your Quality Score. SpeedPPC also offers a WordPress Plugin that allows you to do this. 
Body Length: State what sets your products or services apart from your competitors. This is your chance to persuade your visitors to consider your offering. As a best practice, you should aim for more than 400 words on your landing page. 
Persuasive Copy: Persuasive Language is always preferred for a website's content, especially in digital advertising. Add in-depth descriptions of your products or services. 
Short Content Blocks: Most people prefer chunks of information over overwhelming paragraphs, which can help them digest your content bit by bit. 
Use of Bullet Points: Using bullet points can help clarify your website content. This is one way of breaking long paragraphs and providing a different body to your content. 
Use of Video:  Nowadays, people prefer watching short video clips to reading sets of paragraphs. They expect to get what they need with minimal effort. Marketing Videos should be under 120 seconds for them to be effective. 
Your content determines the success of your website. All other website attributes are there to support and entice your visitors to continue reading. Your content should be persuasive enough to make your visitors take the following action. 

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