Lesson 6: LTV Funnel Maps


The final L within the TALL framework relates to Lifetime Value (LTV) and is easily the most ignored but crucial part of what makes PPC campaigns successful or not.

Lifetime Value (LTV) is a key metric that can help you understand how much money you can make from a customer over the lifetime of your relationship with them.

The fundamental reason why many people give up on PPC is that they spend more money on ad costs than the profit they make from selling the thing they are advertising.

The solution? Instead of looking at just what you make from selling one thing, look at how much money you can make from the customer over their lifetime. 

So by making more money from them through upsells, cross-sells, and repeat sales you can transform how your business looks. 

Our LTV Funnel Map planner will help you understand all the dynamics of this. 

By watching this video, you will learn:

  • The importance of Lifetime Value (LTV) in PPC advertising and how it can help you make more money from a customer
  • How to design a sales funnel that can make money from each individual customer
  • How to add different sources and compare their results
  • How to add blocks that represent an upsell or whatever strategy you are planning to use for your business
  • How to use the software's LTV Funnel Maps feature to view and analyze the results of your different models

By making more money from each individual customer you will make your site more profitable and successful.

 How To Create An LTV Funnel Map

This video walks you through the L within the Tall framework which stands for LTV or Lifetime Value. LTV refers to the total amount of revenue a business makes from an individual customer. SpeedPPC provides a tool to help businesses design a sales funnel that can maximize the LTV of each customer.

The user can also turn on alternative scenarios to compare results from different sources. They can then add landing page, checkout page, payment success, and other blocks that represent various strategies for the business.

The results of the different models can be viewed and analyzed for insights to improve conversion rates.

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