Dynamic Keyword Insertion Explained

In basic terms, dynamic insertion is where content is inserted in the place of a token/variable – dynamically of course.

Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) is another great technique to:
  1. Promote better Quality Scores through greater keyword relevancy 
  2. Increase ad click-through rate 
  3. Increase landing page conversion rate 
  4. Decrease minimum bid prices (through higher quality score)
Dynamic insertion is not necessarily just used for keywords (as much as it's generally referred to as dynamic keyword insertion). You can use dynamic insertion to insert many types of values.
It also doesn't need to be values that you only use in your ad text or landing page, they can also be tracking or identification variables.
For example, insert your bid keyword into strategic places within your ad text and landing page content for relevancy throughout the entire process.
However, you may want to use a tracking identification number on every keyword to help with your tracking, but you don't necessarily want this number appearing in your ad text!
SpeedPPC has its own set of unique dynamic variables. This helps you create a chain of keyword relevancy throughout your entire campaign and gives you far greater control over what content is inserted into your ad creative.

Check out the full list of variables you have with SpeedPPC, and their uses below:

You can capitalize the text that the tokens insert, so it appears correctly in your ad text. This is controlled through capitalizing (or not) the first letter of the token.
{seed} – all lower caps {Seed} – capitalize the first letter of each word in the search term
For example, you may wish to use the capitalized version of the token in your headline, but the lower caps token in your ad text and/or URLs.

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