How to Build a Single Keyword Ad Group Campaign (One Keyword List)

The most basic campaign type available in SpeedPPC is a Single Keyword Ad Group Campaign with one keyword list. You may also see it referred to as a "Single Core" campaign. You'll want to use it when:

  • You have a list of the exact keywords you want to target.
  • You want to create one ad group per keyword (a strategy known as "SKAG").
  • The only text you want to insert into your ads dynamically is the keyword, nothing else. On the first screen, you'll enter basic information about your campaign. 

SKAG Campaign Visual Representation

Some benefits of using a SKAG Campaign

  • Ad Relevance and Quality Score: Improve your ad relevance score by matching your keyword to your ads and landing page. Improving your ad relevance will also improve your quality score. 
  • Lower Cost-Per-Click: Good Ad relevance and quality score can result in lower cost-per-click. 

How to create a SKAG Campaign

On the SpeedPPC Dashboard, click Campaigns and select Add New Campaign. You can also go to the Campaigns Section and click New Campaigns.

Add your campaign details like campaign name and description, targeted platform, and type of ad. Under Campaign type, choose Single Keyword Campaign and One Keyword List. Click Next: Keyword Setup

You can enter your keywords directly into the box in this section or load them from a handy Keyword List using the "Load" drop-down to the upper right of the box. Note that your Seed Keywords will be your Ad Groups automatically.

From the "Load" drop-down, you can also choose from dozens of pre-existing keyword lists we provide, such as popular cities, electronics models, occupations, and more.

Then, the campaign builder will guide you in finishing your SKAG Campaign.SKAG is a suitable campaign type to start with if you're working on learning about the core functions of SpeedPPC.


Can you automatically generate negative keywords when building out SKAGs?
Not yet. We've considered it, but it quickly becomes unusable once you have many keywords.
My tokens don't work.
Here are the top 3 reasons why your tokens are not working. Work through each of these to determine the root cause.
Typo. This one is easy. You've just mistyped the token. Check that each token you are using is correct.
You have yet to use a fallback in your token. For each token, you ideally want a fallback so that when the dynamically inserted keyword is too long, it will be replaced by the fallback. So check your fallbacks are correctly in place.
You're using a token that is not available for your campaign type. If you're building a SKAG campaign, you should be able to use any token. If you're using a thematic campaign, you can only use the {Seed} token for keywords. Because of the way that thematic campaigns are structured, expansion keywords are not available.

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