How to Build a Thematic Campaign (Three or Four Lists)

Thematic Campaigns with three or four lists allow you to add additional modifiers over a thematic campaign with two lists. This way, you can quickly expand the number of keywords you're targeting and extend your reach even further! Having three or four lists also allows you to avoid relying on broad match keywords, which can bring irrelevant traffic.

Thematic Campaign with Three or Four List Visual Representation

Some of the benefits of using thematic campaigns with three or four lists are:

  • Supplementary Information: Add more details about your product, such as color, size, fabric, location, and many more. 
  • Long-tailed keywords: These keywords have lower competition and a better conversion rate if used properly. 

How to create a thematic campaign: 

On the SpeedPPC Dashboard, click Campaigns and select Add New Campaign. You can also go to the Campaigns Section and click New Campaigns.

Add your campaign details like campaign name and description, targeted platform, and type of ad. Under campaign type, choose Thematic Campaign and Combine Three or Four Keywords List.

On the Keyword Setup screen, you'll see boxes for your seed keywords and expansion 1 list. You'll see 3 or 4 boxes depending on the number of keyword lists you chose in the Campaign Setup section. Note that your seed keywords will become your ad groups.

Type, paste, or load your seed keywords and each set of expansion keywords into the appropriate box.

Note that SpeedPPC provides dozens of pre-existing keyword lists you can easily use to grow your campaigns, such as colors, place names, action words, and more. You can add these via the "Load" menu above the box for each set of keywords.

On the next screen, you'll set your bids, match types and create your ad copy. The campaign builder will guide you in finishing your thematic campaign with multiple lists.


How many keywords should I have per Ad Group?
For thematic campaigns, we recommend having at least 25 keywords. 
My ads haven't turned out correctly. What have I done wrong?
Our first recommendation is to methodically work through the campaign steps to make sure that you haven't missed anything. Common mistakes include mistyping the tokens or trying to use a token that is unavailable. For example, you can only use the {seed} token in thematic campaigns. If you are having trouble uploading, check out the troubleshooting guide for a campaign uploading video, as it covers most of the common issues.

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