How to Run a Competitor Text Ad Spy Report

The Competitor Text Ad Spy allows you to check your competitor's ad copy. This report will help you interrogate a competitor and discover what ads they are using to get ideas for your own ad creative.

Benefits of Running Competitor Text Ad Spy

  • Ad Transparency: Analyzing how your competitors advertise their products and services and what key terms they use in their ad copy is valuable. From here, you can examine their ads' tone, their ad copy format, and what call-to-action they use. 
  • Different Selling Techniques: Learn your competitor's selling technique that makes their ads stand out. 
  • Landing Page View: Check how your competitor manages their final URLs and the landing pages they're directing the traffic to. 

How to Run a Competitor Text Ad Spy

On the SpeedPPC Dashboard, click Research and select Competitor Text Ad Spy.

Enter the Domain that you'd like to check and choose your top-level domain or region. The United States is the default selection on every report. Click Search.

The report will load the ad copy of your competitor. You can click on the Headline or the Final URL to check where they are directing their traffic.

Click More Results to generate more Ad copy from the same domain or competitor.

Here's a sample preview of a Competitor Text Ad Spy Report.

Running a Competitor Text Ad Spy can give you enough data to help you understand what strategy is working with your competitor. This can help you improve your campaign strategy, find ways how to introduce your products, and get ideas on how to manage your Final URLs.


Which is your recommended report?
It depends on what you're trying to achieve. We suggest you spend some time running reports and becoming familiar with report insights to ensure you are getting the most out of your SpeedPPC Partnership. 
How old is the date shown on the report?
The data in the reports are updated monthly, at least.
Where does your data come from?
Our research data is pulled from SEMRush. Most of our reports are unique in combining API pulls from SEMrush into a unique piece of information. For example, it may look at your website compared to your competitor and show what keywords they are bidding on that you are not.

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